Missy Burgess and Friends

Rasputin's Folk Cafe was the site for the evening hosted by Missy Burgess. Missy warmed and wowed audience with her tremendous singing and spirit setting. Two more of Ottawa's fine performers, Tony Turner and David Keeble, presented their well-written songs in fine vocal and instrumental fashion. Oh, and an appreciatve clap for accompanists Alrick Heubener, Dave Carmichael, and Roberta Heubener, and the heartfelt words of experience from Sharon Reeves.... Ticket revenues and same-night donations (all matched by Patio Records) added up to a donation of $ 1,750 for the Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Foundation. Terry Eagan was most happy to present that amount plus $ 5,000 more at the ORCC Foundation's 7th Annual Telethon the next afternoon; yay! (Picture that garden patio in 4 years :)

January 10, 2004
7:30 PM
Rasputin's Folk Cafe
$20.00 (USD)
All proceeds towards a Healing Garden for Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation

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